Thursday, February 21, 2013

MTGO Library Bot 5.66 is out

The new version of ML Bot, 5.66, has just been released.
It contains a number of fixes but, most important, it fixes the Collection History.

As many of you have noticed, the "old "Collection History:

  • did not contain Boosters and Event Tickets
  • did not take into account the number of items when computing the total value of the collection. A collection with 1 Force of Will had the same value of a collection with 4 Force of Will
  • did not update on a regular basis
The new Collection History instead contains the number of Event Tickets and Boosters, sum correctly the multeplicity of the items in the total value, and is updated every day at 4pm GMT+0


  1. I accidentally downloaded the pricelist on my mobile when I was browsing the site on my mobile. Since most mobile devices are touchscreens a ''click'' command is sometimes interpreted when people are trying to navigate a page.

    I am not in any way angered by this and I am not bringing this up because I want the 0.2 tix credit back. After all I did get the price list, and there is no way to confirm that I actually downloaded it by accident.

    I just wanted to point this out and suggest that the download link shouldn't be a direct download but rather that it redirects to a prompt asking if the user wants to buy the pricelist.

    1. David, no problem at all, just tell me your name and I will remove these 0.2!

  2. did you implement the autotransfer 15sec interval change on this version Albert?

    This is a great update btw :)

    1. Yes I did :-)
      I didn't say this because it was really a minor

  3. also if you buy a card for 6 tix and sell that card for 9 tix the graphs will show
    Total given 15 (6tix+9tixcard(when sold))
    Total Received 15 (6tixcard(when bought) + 9tix)

    Doesnt make much sence as it wont account the 3tix profit.

    The only thing u can count with it is "gained float" as in:

    Total given 516.24
    Total received 512.24
    this allows u to know that you gained 4 tix in float ( as in for example 8 people on your credit list got 0.5 more credit)

    Would only work if it was made to count the "Given cards" at "buy price" but then that would have nothing to do with the trade log.

  4. I would love the ability to update PersonalPrice.txt from the control panel. It would make life so much easier if I could just do everything on the go. :)

    1. is the best tool that I can recommend. I use it to control all of my bots from 1 PC. I run 3 PC's with 14 bots total. It helps. You might be able to set something up on your phone.

  5. there are ways to do it thestein. Lots of mobile phones apps out there that let you remotely access or edit files on your pc

  6. I usually access remotely my PC, modify the PersonalPrices.txt and PersonalPercentages.txt files and restart the bot. What I don't know is if I need to restart the bot or not.

    1. Yes you should. You can do this remotely as well through MTGO with the "-restart" command. The prices will update without the restart but will not be entered into wiki pricelist.

  7. if u pause, edit them and unpause, the bot will reload the new prices straight away, if u just edit the files without stopping the bot it will be quite random (but surely at or before next auto restart).

  8. You can upload any file and not toggle the pause: the bot will reload the prices maximum in 60 minutes. If you toggle the pause, the bot will reload immediately
