Sunday, June 23, 2013

ML Bot v4 spoiler - Confirmed new features

Hello fellow botters,

there is a lot of attention about the release of the new ML Bot (for MTGO v4). I talked with Albert last week and he gave me some screenshots and an idea of some of the new features we will see.

We are at the point where we have a fully functional bot that works on the new beta client and have been running it online for a few weeks now. We will release the name of that bot as soon as possible so you will be able to interact with it and see its impressive speed.

Below are two screenshots of the new bot. The screenshots show the new loading bar (the one with the numbers 1, 2 and 3) and a lateral vertical info panel to help the user understand what happens. There you will read textual information. The lateral panel is designed to replace to actual "floating" splash screens and be a more organic place to read the information.

So what is new under the hood?

There have been a lot of rumors and suggestions out there about the new ML Bot, we would like you to know we listened.

Here are some new features:

1. Speed: the time to read the columns is currently 200 ms for every 25 cards. It is more than 10x the speed of the current bot.
2. Lateral info panel to group all the messages
3. Improved auto-transfer modes
4. The ability to change the buying and selling prices (%) for specific users. In a nutshell, give discounts for clan members or increase % for cherry pickers.
5. Ability to give credits on your bots for just cards, not tickets.

There are a few more new features too.
Albert will release the version of the bot before Magic Online moves to the new client, which we suspect will be sometime in September. I hope this satisfy your curiosity about the future of your botting business!.

 Happy Botting!

Owner of - Buying and selling tickets cheap. We are always in-stock.


  1. will we have to do the % to some users name by name or recognizes the clan symbol? (my clan has about 500 members)

  2. It depends.... how are clan symbols displayed in mtgo v4? Is the symbol "pure text" or just an image?

  3. I think theres none, as far as i can see on beta right now. :(

  4. make the V4 use 4000x4000 resolutions or something, would be superfast(no scrolling etc) and in a VM...we can have whatever resolution needed.

  5. #5 is tooooooooooo goooooooood. In my opinion.
