Now is the time to let your imagination run wild. After months and months of a 'best deck' dominating the format I've noticed a small revival of sorts. It seems casual players and deck-builders are coming out of the woodworks now that the coast is clear and home-brews are getting a bit of sun in the meantime.
Want to play that crazy Beastmaster Ascension, Nest Invader, and Awakening Zone token deck? Now's the time. U/B Vampires with Trinket Mages? Who needs red anyway right now Dismember just makes Lightning Bolt seem silly. Puresteel Paladin really does seem to play very nice with Quest for the Holy Relic. I can't believe I used to slum it with Kor Outfitter! Eldrazi Ramp. Elves! How about that Fauna Shaman/Birthing Pod/Splinter Twin deck?
Don't fret. We'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming shortly. It won't take the Pros or amateurs alike very long to settle on the best card combinations and we'll be back to a Rock, Paper, Scissors Standard Format (hopefully) before you know it. In the meantime why not try and play something a bit more casual and fun?
Happy brewing!
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