Old cards for a Modern Format
So the biggest news this week is that Wizards has officially confirmed that they are moving forward with Modern as an eternal format. That clinking sound you hear is the merry exuberance of future Modern players filling their bathtubs with ice so they can sell their kidneys for staples that are soon going to go up in price as support for the format increases. Okay, so that's another trademark of mine, drastic exaggerations, but expect staples, especially lands to go up quite a bit. Especially Ravnica Shock lands and Zendikar's enemy fetch lands, as they'll soon be the backbones of an entire format's worth of manabases.
MaRo confirms two new 'walkers in Innistrad
I'm not going to lie, I'm more excited for Innistrad than I have been for any set in a long while. Tribal components, a gothic horror theme, Richard Garfield on the Design Team, and the return of one of my all-time favorite keywords: Flashback. I've already started coating my stomach so I can pick through dumpsters for nourishment next to an entire paycheck's worth of ISD boxes. And in addition, confirmed by Mark Rosewater himself at Comic Con, take a look at Liliana of the Veil.
Okay, so all we have so far is the art, no abilities, no mana costs, no idea if the card is even remotely playable. However, there are still reasons to be excited. Remember that Oblivion Ring is now back in Standard. (Can I get a yeeeeah!?) Remember that R&D has a silver bullet mentality. When Fairies were running all over standard, we got Great Sable Stag. When Jace was Sculpting Minds into ashtrays, we got Hex Parasite (and Despise...and...) Point is, WotC will gladly print something uber if they believe there's an easy answer to it. Needless to say, I have faith in this card. But, if you just so happen to be a greedy internet soaking info-maggot like myself, you've doubtlessly been paying attention to Mark Rosewater's Tumblr:
"In the San Diego Comic Con Panel, I said the other Planeswalker (Innistrad has two) is a planeswalker you already know, aka has formerly been printed as a planeswalker."
So who is it? I have my guesses, but that'll just have to wait :) We'll talk more about Innistrad next week, until then, enjoy the newly revealed art for Creepy Doll.
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