Yes, the second walker is apparently a new Garruk. But to be fair, 90% of us with an I/Q above our pants size saw this coming. Anyone who's been following the Planeswalker webcomics:(http://http//www.wizards.com/Magic/Multiverse/planeswalkers.aspx?x=mtg/multiverse/webcomics/main) knows that they've been dangling Lili Vs Garruk in front of us like a porkchop in front of a fat guy, so as soon as the original promo art was released with Liliana on her throne, we knew Garruk was going to be all over this. And if that weren't enough, check out the packaging for September's (coinciding with ISD) Booster Battle packs:
Please excuse me while I choke on the subtlety. Now mind you this is just some revealed art, this isn't an official confirmation. Then again neither is a positive pee stick in your girlfriend's trash can, but assumptions will be made. So what does this mean for you, financially? It means buy more damn Innistrad! There's your financial advice.
Tribal Rosters Revealed:
Thought we still don't know to what extent, it has been confirmed which five trives will get love and support this September. B/R Vampires, R/G Werewolves, U/B Zombies, U/W Spirits, and G/W humans. Its tough to make any concrete predictions at this point in time considering the limited information, but here's a few words of advice the next time you're at the trade tables or looking to make a deal on the business side of things. First and foremost: Demand for Adaptable Automaton is going to go way up and more as more people start playing tribal decks again in standard. It's also safe to assume that prices for the M12 duals will too as those color combinations become more widely played. I would expect it to be somewhat like the Lorwyn tribes where you CAN play a B/G elf deck, or you could play mono-green elves viably as well, so take that with a grain of salt. But the real news here is that Humans and Spirits are now going to be fully supported tribes. Wizards has been sticking that creature type onto stuff willy-nilly for years now, and now that they have a banner to unite beneath, digging up some of the old forgotten ones can lead to some pretty crazy interactions. Keep an eye out for Human or Spirits that could have the potential to make a splash in older formats.
That's all I have time for this week. Next week I'd like to talk a bit more about the Modern format. I kinda glossed over it in my previous article, but a new format opens up a whole new precident for business and high demand cards. Until next time, remember, (insert catchphrase here) -X
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