Sunday, December 29, 2013

Launching the mtgostrat bot

Two days ago the crew behind (a strategy site for all things Magic) launched a bot called "mtgostrat".

I am part of that crew and I am one of the people handling the bot. In this blog I will share my experiences as a new botter.

Here is our announcement on the site: is starting this bot with a very small inventory: 10.000 cards and 300 tickets. The bot is mainly looking to buy rares and mythics at first. It has way too small a budget to invest in commons and uncommons and will have to stay away from the Pauper format, as its future is uncertain at best (Premier Events fire rarely and the Daily Events are gone - Pauper cards are falling broadly right now).

I have heard that it takes a long time for a bot to turn a profit (maybe even a year?) and it will be interesting to see if the 1000+ fans of the site and can make a difference.

If you have any experience of launching a bot with a budget this small, please share

And do please check out "mtgostrat" on Magic Online and sell it some rares and mythics.

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