Sunday, May 12, 2013

Time management, part 1

Time is a subjective phenomenon, and your brain has the ability to manage perception of this phenomenon. Therefore, time management skills are primarily relevant thinking strategies. The methods presented below are not complicated, but sometimes requires dedication and commitment from you. With the following exercises, you will get an extra at least 7 hours a week, so no more excuses that you do not have time for this or that. Think of it as an investment in one of the most important in our lives currencies.
"Time is money" - a popular, silly saying. Time is not money, time is your life!

Quite important note - the methods are rather one-off experience, not your new habits. Use it for a short time (one to several days), and then set it aside.

1. Provide yourself an extreme conditions. Start a new, additional projects or set new goals to achieve. Give yourself a short time to perform these tasks what leads to a situation in which you will have a lot of things on your mind and almost no time. If you have no idea of ​​the extra activities, just arrange for someone a surprise party, plan a weekend or perform a task from the list of things to do for the next month. It will not be the most pleasant experience in your life, but believe me, in these conditions, time management quickly gets into your blood. The development of these skills is in fact a natural response to the situation. Therefore, even if you are groaning and whining, focus your attention and organize yourself in this mess.

Soon next tips!