Wednesday, October 22, 2014

How to start your bot the right way Part 2

Hi Everyone!

So now that you've all got your goals set for your bot, what's next? In case you didn't read my last article, goals need to be measurable, realistic, and only depict the goal, not the method.

Many people starting any kind of business make one mistake repeatedly. They decide how they envision their company first. This is actually the second step for any business, including bots.

My recommendation is that you first set the goal, then set the path to the goal. This second step is the part where you sit down and layout a plan for your strategy to reach your goal.

Setting a strategy is tough because good strategies look remarkably similar to poor strategies. I could do an entire year worth of articles talking about strategy, but I doubt that would be interesting for anyone to read. Instead I'm going to provide one tip to keep in mind when devising a strategy: Do something different.

I mean that if you're bot is exactly like every other bot you'll probably not do as well as you can. The trick is to try to differentiate your bot. Walmart offers low prices, Nordstrom offers first class customer service. You need to find a way to differentiate what you offer to maximize your bot business.

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