Friday, March 15, 2013

Cardlog and Tradelog, blazing fast

Probably unnoticed, last week we introduced the CardLog tool. It allows to search for a specific card and compare the buying and selling prices over time. The CardLog renders statistics and displays the average and total profit.
I personally think this is an amazing tool, much more powerful than the old one we were used to on the old website.

We also worked a lot on the Tradelog and made it faster: you can now search in all your trades in few seconds, making it much faster. The graphs are also rendered after the page has loaded, improving responsiveness.


  1. Thanks Albert! It's very fast now, it was a real pain to search the tradelog before that <3<3

  2. Albert, giving tickets in "selling mode" is counting as "cards given" on the trades log and not Tickets given, Not sure if there is any way around it.

  3. I love this tool.... i noticed it seems to not be able to give any stats for the cards with ' in them, example Ludevic's Test Subject
    Profit in last
    0 trades:

    or maybe a card people might actually look up ...;)
    Sphinx's Revelation

    Avg profit per card:
    Profit in last
    0 trades:
