Monday, November 18, 2013

Doubling Trades Project: Be Unique and Proud |Part4 of 9|

Doubling Trades Project

Part 1 The Concept
Part 2 Where are we now?
Part 3 Dedicate your time
Part 4 Be Unique and Proud
Part 5 Let yourself be found
Part 6 Less is more 
Part 7 Show your human side
Part 8 Reward Loyalty
Part 9 Conclusion

Be Unique and Proud
Are you worried by all the competition in the classifieds? Are you losing customers to big bot chains and other individual bots? What is it that people are attracted to? The answer is uniqueness. Consumers are willing to pay more for what they can't get elsewhere. Are you providing what your customers want?

Go to Starbucks. Buy a coffee. Watch what is going on. Why is it that people will ignore McDonald's and walk an extra two blocks to pay a premium price just for a Starbucks coffee? Think status. Think atmosphere. Think packaging and presentation. Once you finished your coffee go home and look into what the best bot chains offer that you don't. Are they faster? do they buy everything higher?;or just the rares/mythics? do they draw any prizes to random customers? Do they organize events? Surely they will be ticking more boxes than you.

Make Yourself Special
What can you give that no other bot else does? This is a bit of a hard question when there are thousands of direct competitors, but instead of spending a week thinking about it, get into the Magic Online environment and ask your customers and other MTGO players themselves. You will be surprised on how good and bad criticism can give you great ideas to implement in your business.

In a few days I will talk about ways to get your name out there!

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