The first thing you need to do is note the IP address which is noted on the ESXi screen. Then, on another networked machine, typically your normal Windows machine, you navigate to that addreess. You will then be presented with a screen similar to the picture to the left..
You must then download the vSphere client. As you would expect, vSphere installs like any other Windows program. This is how you manage virtual machines and looks similar to Vmplayer and other VM interfaces.
For those who have utilized VMware before; this should be familiar; you can either create a new virtual machine or import one from a backup. (You DO have backups of your bots, right?) You can then start your bots as normal and take a gander at all the cool tools available with ESXi.
But before we start using those tools, let me describe the hardware I am using for this test. Actually, it is better if I show you; also below
As you can see, this is not the latest and greatest of hardware:
1 physical CPU being split into 2 virtual CPUs
3.5 Gigs of memory
A lowly 80 Gig hard drive. That’s right, they actually did make them that small.
I then allocated about half to each bot. I then looked at the performance and the logs and we can finally settle, once and for all, what resources really are needed to run a bot on a virtual machine.
i have a problem with esxi, esxi become inaccessible bye lan or vSphere, i cannot ping to DNS Server, this happen a few seconds or minutes after initiate it.