Thursday, May 22, 2014

WebShop APIs 2.0

Last week we released the WebShop APIs ( with the idea to ease the creation of webshops.You botters loved that and gave us many feedback, thank you :-), we did not expect such a warm welcome.

Yesterday we released "version 2.0" with the goal to simplify the usage. The most important API request, the Inventory one, has been rewritten and now contains plain card names and bot names instead of numerical identifiers. You don't need to build two tables to decode the correspondence with the real names.
The parameter of the request is no more "set_number" but directly the name of the set, for example THS or BNG.

The result is a Json text, for example:


1 comment:

  1. Well guys.. I want to thank you again for your help with this. My life is getting easier and easier with these updates. I just wanted to thank you for all of us botters. I am really excited to see whats next on the horizon. Now I can get my inventory in a much more simplified way that doesnt eat up my time and effort. From all of us in the botting community. We thank you MTGO Library.
