Sunday, November 15, 2015

MTGO shortcuts

Time is a precious asset, once it runs out the game is over. Time taken off the clock cannot be recovered, so I'm presenting all shortcuts that offer us MTGO. Most of these will probably be well known by people who’ve used MTGO a lot, but I think some of you may find this information very useful.

F2 - Pass priority once.

F4 - Pass priority for the rest of the turn or until your opponent does anything or you’re prompted to attack or block.

F6 - Pass priority for the rest of the turn, unless you’re prompted to attack or block. Use this when you have nothing and you don’t want to bluff.

F7 - Place all triggers on the stack automatically. .

F8 - Pass priority for the rest of the game.

F3 - Cancel all previous "F" buttons.

F9 - Shortcut for choosing “Yes.”

F10 - Shortcut for choosing “No.”

Holding M while tapping a land for mana will make it automatically use the mana ability printed first on the card. This is particularly useful with painlands as they’ll tap for colorless.

Ctrl + U or Ctrl + Z - Undo the previous mana tap.

Holding down the Ctrl while casting a spell will maintain priority and allow you to cast another spell before giving your opponent a chance to respond.

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