Thursday, January 1, 2015

Your Fate Reforged!

Hi Everyone!
I hope you all had a great New Year!

As you all probably know, Fate Reforged spoilers have started to come out. They are really exciting because it's going to have dragons as Tarkir changes. I don't generally care for flavor, but I think the metamorphosis of a plane is interesting and keeps Standard a fun format for the life of the block.

The thing I wanted to talk about was the Fate Reforges spoilers. There are several cards that would play nicely in current Standard decks. There are also some cards that are the missing link in a potential good decks with Fate Reforged cards. I have been picking up cards that I think will be good after Fate Reforged is released. There are numerous positives to picking these cards up now, most people don't buy into the new deck archetypes until they see success with the deck already, meaning that almost every card is cheaper now than it will be when it's in a winning deck. The other advantage is that Khans is at it's lowest price it will ever cost on Magic Online and as we all know, out of print is a bigger problem for Magic Online than it is for paper prices.

I do want to warn everyone to use their best judgement and remember that everything is speculative and you need to use caution when making these buys because there's potential to lose on your investment. The other tip I can give is to only pick cards that would be good in real tier 1 standard decks because they fetch the tickets easier than casual or lower tier decks.

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